

Custom Landscape Borders

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Landscape Borders in Stone and Brick will add a great deal of aesthetic appeal and value to your home. Fence Tech can design and construct a custom landscape border around your trees, shrubs and flower beds with beautiful stone and brick to match your home. We use lazer levels to keep the bricks and stones level at each stage.

Contact Lawn Tech for a free estimate.

Additional Landscape Maintenance Services:

  • Shrub and Bed Maintenance: Regularly scheduled visits consisting of shrub trimming, bed weeding, bed cultivation, and debris removal.
  • Tree and Shrub Care: All trees and shrubs will have regular applications of insecticide, fungicides, and pesticides to prevent and control unwanted insects, disease, and pest. Dormant oils will be applied during the winter when appropriate. All shrubs will be fertilized according to their needs and trees will be fertilized during the fall.
  • Weed Control of Pavement: All cracks in pavement will be treated approximately monthly during the months of March through October to insure a sterile appearance of the property.
  • Bed Herbicide: Monthly, March through October, plant safe herbicides will be used to control and prevent weeds and grasses in landscape bed areas to insure minimal undesired growth between Shrub and Bed Maintenance visits.
  • Trash Pick-up: Weekly, throughout the off season the property will be policed for trash and debris.
  • Tree Trim: During dormancy, trees will be trimmed away from structures and walks to ensure proper growth and branching.
  • Irrigation System Check: Monthly, March through October, the irrigation system will be monitored for proper operation. Lawn Tech will provide a spring irrigation system start up and the winterization of your irrigation system. Damages caused by Lawn Tech's crews will be repaired at no charge.
  • Leaf Cleanup: Regularly scheduled visits in the fall to clean up and remove fallen leaves.
  • Fall Overseeding: Fall application for the overseeding of shady turf areas with Fescue or the seeding of Rye over Bermuda for a green turf nearly year round.
  • Aeration: One annual visit during the late spring or early summer, which will improve root growth and turf development by allowing air nutrients and water to reach the root zone.
  • Seasonal Color: Planting of annuals in the spring, summer and fall to add curb appeal to your property.
  • Snow Removal: When snow fall exceeds 1" or when ice is a hazard, the parking lot and walks will be cleared of all snow and/or ice melt will be applied.
  • Monthly Inspection: Monthly, your property will be inspected by management and any minor maintenance that is needed will be serviced. This inspection will focus on insect, disease and fungus problems on all plant materials.
  • Landscaping Borders in Stone and Brick
  • Turning Flower Bed
  • Fertilizing Lawns and Plants
  • Implementing a technical solution that meets that need
  • Landscaping
  • Irrigation

Contact Lawn Tech for a free estimate.

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